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More Than Luck and a Prayer Cassette
8. Zog Maran

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Arrangement by Linda Hirschhorn © 1987

Melody by Shmuel Bugatch

Lyrics by Abraham Reisen

Lead Vocal: Linda Hirschhorn

Concertina: Bertram Levy

In this song, the Jew of Eastern Europe is sympathizing and identifying with the marranos, the Spanish Jews who were forced to Christianity. Publicly, the marranos pretended to be sincere converts (their name, marrano, means "pig", from the pork which they ate in public), while privately and at great risk they continued in their Jewish observance. In this song the composer asks the Spanish Jew how he will observe the Passover. He replies that he will do it in the cave where he has hidden his books for many years, and that if his enemies come, he will drown them with his music.

Zog maran mir vu bay vemen
Vestu vayseh matzos nemen
In der heyl oyf got's barotn
Hobn mir dem teyg geknotn.

Zog maran vi vest zikh klign
A hagode vu tzu krign
In der heyl, in tife shpaltn
Hob ikh zi shoyn lang bahaltn.

Zog maran, vi vest zikh vern
Ven men vet dayn kol derhern
Ven der soyne vet mikh fangen
Vel ikh kemfn mit gezangen.

© 1987 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
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