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More Than Luck and a Prayer
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More Than Luck and a Prayer Cassette
7. Talia's Lullaby

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Music and Lyrics by Linda Hirschhorn © 1987

Lead Vocal: Linda Hirschhorn

Guitar: Nancy Vogl, Mike Marshall

Bass: Joy Julks

Once upon a time,
    upon a leaf,
    upon a stone,
river flowing past the evening light.
Once upon a prayer,
    upon a dream,
    upon a song,
river take me with you through the night.

Past the rush of wind,
past the glow of sun,
close me like a flower
when the work of day is done.

Once upon a moon,
    upon a cloud,
    upon a star,
river ring the ringing of the deep.
Once upon a child,
    upon a love,
    upon a heart,
river sing the singing of sleep.

© 1987 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
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