

Forgiveness (5767)

About a year and a half ago, a woman I’d been friends with and worked with for over 15 years
said some unkind things about me to a mutual friend and colleague.
I was hurt. I felt betrayed……

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Unetaneh Tokef (5765)

In just a little while we will chant one of the most powerful and difficult of all the High Holiday prayers,
Unetaneh Tokef, a prayer which embodies the central myth of these Days of Awe as days of judgment……

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The Shofar Calls (5764)

A story.
It takes place during the time of the Inquisition, and it’s called The Shofar of Don Fernando Aguilar.
Each year at the Jewish New Year, many Conversos
(Spanish Jews who officially converted to Christianity but many of whom secretly held on to Jewish practices)
yearned to hear the sound of the Shofar……

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