Linda Playing GuitarLinda’s music has been acclaimed by folks like Holly Near, Ronnie Gilbert, rabbis, congregants, and fellow musicians alike. Here’s what they have been saying:

“The gift of Linda’s album “Gather Round” when it first came out was a breath of Jewish beauty and wisdom that reached deeply into my heart and soul. Played over and over, it never failed to tap me in to my source when I needed it: through pregnancy and the birth of my daughter, the hard toddler years and even harder teen years; breast cancer, divorce and other difficult times. The collection of songs still soothes, inspires and reminds me of what matters.

Linda has just left after being in residence for a week in my congregation in Maine. I was thrilled to be with, listen to and sing with her now: glorious melodies, harmonies and messages, true to the tone of her original work but having matured and blossomed through her lifetime of artistic expression and experience. Thank you Linda, for all you have given and are giving us still.”
—Jean Berman Portland Maine

“What a pleasure it was to have you with us for Shabbat. Your music added a wonderful spirit to our services. Your stories were shared with such grace and passion. Everyone loved it!”
—Rabbi Greg Wolfe Congregation Bet Haverim April 2014

“Your ability to turn a group of people into a real ensemble in such a short time is amazing. You are a blessing to all who are privileged to learn and sing with you — and your music is brilliant. Thank you for sharing from your heart. It has been an honor to sing with you.”
—Marion, ALEPH Kallah 2011, Redlands, California

“Linda— Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent and gifts. You are an authentic, warm, and extraordinary woman. You resonate so much light , joy and compassion through your songs and stories. Your work is thrilling. Thank you for all you do!”
—Nancy A, Temple Ner Tamid, New Jersey

“The music, the camaraderie and the warmth of the week are unsurpassed in my many years of playing in various musical groups. Your arrangements, interpretations of the liturgy and, most importantly, the manner in which you taught and led us were very special. Truly an event that will be remembered forever.”
—Hirsh Cohen, Adath Israel Congregation, Cincinnati, Ohio

“It was a great experience for me to be part of the group. At one point when I was singing Sim Shalom next to a woman I hadn’t known before, I felt her and my voice were, as you said ‘the most beautiful in the world’, and I had to control myself so that I wouldn’t burst into tears —not quite sure why— but it was a sublime moment.”
—Fran, Madison, Wisconsin

“Thanks so much, Linda! I thoroughly enjoyed both the music and the company. Your ability to work with a range of different abilities was impressive.”
—Robin, Madison, Wisconsin

“I was so impressed by your leadership, your artistry, and your big heart. I love how you made us think about the story behind the music, the importance of having a feeling for the song and not just getting all the notes perfect. I love how you take the prayers and scriptures and find rich metaphors in them that make so much more sense to me and are more accessible to us today. For example, I had never thought about the story of Sarah having a baby at her age being about lifelong creativity. The story just usually confused me, but you made it come to life. You helped bring our community together. You taught Judaic principles (and Life principles) to a diverse audience with gentleness, subtlety, and humor. Bringing different people together to sing and talk is, like you said at the concert, what can help bring peace and understanding to our lives. The event was was definitely a FUNraiser.”
—Lydia L., Olympia, Washington

“Your Shabbat service was lovely, and your unique and beautiful tunes (not to mention your wonderful voice) were a pleasure to hear and a wonderful new spin on familiar Shabbat songs and themes. Your d’var Torah was funny, relatable and meaningful. Many thanks for participating in the festival and for putting into it your great energy.”
—Tali Chitaiad, Director, Washington DC Jewish Music Festival

“Linda knows how to get people singing! If you like services that are full of sound and full of joy — with times of quiet loveliness as well — she delivers!”=
—Rabbi Bob Saks, Bet Mishpachah, Washington, DC

“Linda Hirschhorn is a magician! She drew participants from five different congregations in our area to create a glorious community choir, which continues to sing and perform together. I enthusiasticallly recommend Linda as an expert composer, performer, choir director and community builder!”
—Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, Boulder, Colorado

“Where strength and songs fuse…”
—Rabbi Arthur Waskow

“Linda Hirschhorn’s one woman show weaves personal stories, original music and lessons that touch the heart into a memorable pageant that appeals to all ages. Her beautiful voice captivated us, invited us in to the harmonies, and brought our community closer together through the experience.”
—Rabbi Judy Shanks

“I was enthralled by your harmonies and rounds and transported to an ambiance of real beauty through the music and lyrics.”
—Jan Kats, Executive Director, Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York, Rochester, New York

“Many levels of lyrical and spiritual depth…”
—Helen Park, Heartsong Review

“Thank you for coming all the way from California and teaching us all these songs. I loved the songs, had a great time and I’m sure I can say the same thing for everybody else.”
—Leah Saada (10-year old from Buffalo, New York)

“The pleasure of singing with other people with discipline and spirit — beautiful music and heartfelt expression. I loved how Linda gave us the ‘picture’ of each piece, and how she talked about singing with each other as if we were the other. Thank you.”
—Judith from Aleph Kallah 2007

“The songs are still ringing in my heart.”
—David, ALEPH Kallah 2011, Redlands, California

“Being in your choir was a moving spiritual experience for me. I learned not just notes, but the ruach of the songs. I was apprehensive at attempting choral singing, and it turned out to be the highlight of my week! Thank you.”
—Jack, ALEPH Kallah 2011, Redlands, California

“This was the first time that I sang in a choir, and my experience was overwhelming. The choir sounded so beautiful. The melodies just keep repeating themselves in my mind and they make me sing along. I cannot thank you enough for this experience that you gave me.”
—Jack King, Adath Israel Congregation, Cincinnati, Ohio

“Thank you for your leadership and for sharing your music with us. I found the experience challenging and fulfilling; just to be a part of this was a musical adventure I will always cherish. You are an inspiration and Vocolot is fantastic. May you indeed go from strength to strength!”
—Fay, Adath Israel Congregation, Cincinnati, Ohio

“The glow of last week hasn’t quite faded for me yet; not just the wonderful songs but the spirit. At the end of the week we —strong-minded individuals and groups with widely diverging experience and ability— became an entity with a common purpose due to your clarity, standards, insistence on singing beautifully and example. It was unforgettable and inspiring. I will never sing next to anyone without thinking that that person has the most beautiful voice in the world.”
—Sally, Madison, Wisconsin

“It was just great working with you. I can’t stop singing your music.”
—Laurie, Madison, Wisconsin

“I had such a great experience singing with you and the community choir, and being your student for four days! Thank you so much for all you gave to me and our community. It was a joy to watch you work with us — you are a gifted teacher. Your music is amazing; I am still singing it, and hearing it in my mind, in bits and pieces throughout the day. The melodies are compelling and beautiful. I have to thank you as well for the truly insightful interpretation of Sarah’s giving birth at 90 — that message means a great deal to me, at 52, that my creative years are not over! To have this actually validated in the Torah is extremely affirming and I will never forget it.”
—Lisa S., Olympia, Washington

“My synagogue recently hosted an absolutely outstanding Artist-in-Residence weekend with Linda Hirschhorn. Linda was marvelous to work with … Linda provided fantastic pieces for all of them, and when she arrived, she provided a wonderfully intense, challenging and inspiring weekend of rehearsals, master classes and coaching – culminating in an exciting and beautiful community concert. Another amazing talent of Linda’s is her ability with storytelling. She held the audience transfixed with amusing and often poignant stories in between the musical elements of the concert. I would encourage contacting Linda if you are seeking to reinvigorate your choral program. What a wonderful experience!”
—Cantor Julie Yugend-Green, Oak Park Temple

“In deep appreciation of your clarity, and incredible teaching ability…”
—Rabbi Aryeh Hirschfeld, P’nai Or, Ashland, Oregon

“Calls have been coming in concerning the choir, your obvious talent in organizing and directing a group of musicians and tremendous excitement about your music and its values…—
—Rabbi Morris Allen, Beth Jacob Congregation, Mendota Heights, Minnesota

“Linda is a gifted musician-poet with a voice of pure honey.”
—Ronnie Gilbert

“Thank you so much for coming last night. They loved you. You really made the night successful and special. The only complaint I received was that you did not perform for 2-3 hours!”
—Kim Drucker, President of Women of Isaiah Sisterhood

“You exemplify feminist energy at its best – inclusive, sharing and caring.”
—Heather and Rabbi Norman Mendel, Carmel, California

“Linda sings the songs of struggle and joy that refuel our daily lives and proudly brings her Jewish heritage to her work… It is exciting to hear…”
—Holly Near

“Without question Linda is Joan Baez and Carole King rolled into one amazing vocalist and workshop leader. She is one of the founders and leaders of contemporary Jewish cantorial and folk music. Her voice is like silk and her teachings are fantastic.”
—Rabbi David Zaslow, Ashland, Oregon

“Songs of light and wonder…”
—Hanna Tiferet Siegel, Singer-Songwriter