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More Than Luck and a Prayer Cassette
6. The Odds Get Even Better

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Music and Lyrics by Linda Hirschhorn © 1987

Lead Vocal: Linda Hirschhorn

Backup Vocals: Annie Stocking

Electric Guitar: Ray Obiedo

Drums: Paul van Wageningen

Bass: Joy Julks

Violin: Darol Anger

It's no passing fashion,
no streetlamp corner passion,
no love that I bought at the five and dime,
no firecracker romance.
I'm leaving love to no chance.
Our odds get even better all the time.

It's no springtime whimsy,
my feelings aren't flimsy,
no lyric from a jukebox rhyme,
no firecracker romance.
I'm leaving love to no chance.
Our odds get even better all the time.

I'll be your living daydream,
the gleam that's in your eye,
the reason and the answer why.

No spin of the roulette wheel
can change the way that I feel,
no knave of hearts will ever capture mine,
no firecracker romance.
I'm leaving love to no chance.
Our odds get even better all the time.

© 1987 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
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