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More Than Luck and a Prayer
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More Than Luck and a Prayer Cassette
4. More Than Luck and a Prayer

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Music and Lyrics by Linda Hirschhorn © 1985

Lead Vocal: Linda Hirschhorn

Backup Vocals: Laurie Lewis, Suzy Thompson

Guitar: Nancy Vogl

Bass: Joy Julks

Drums: Paul van Wageningen

Keyboards: Ray Obiedo

Running away from my shadow, turning a corner or three,
my heart beating like it's swallowing time, it's gone and put the chase on me.
Running fast and it's taking me backwards, might as well stand in one place
'til the light off the water shows me my reflection
and the dangers I still have to face.

And in the meantime I need someone,
a long-time every-time friend,
picking me up wherever I'm found,
puttin' me on the mend again.

Flying unanchored like a kite in a storm,
'til I dropped down in Paris one day.
In the rush of it all I could hear people saying:
She'll be a crazy lady someday.
But I've put my hands in the hornet's nest,
and pulled them out unstung.
You might say it's the luck of a constant beginner
or a debt for the songs I've already sung.


The fortune-teller told me to keep on praying
up until the midnight dance.
But when the New Year rolled 'round, I put my chips on the wheel
and won myself a second chance.
Oh, I've lived by the ocean and up in the hills,
for two thousand years I've survived.
But it's gonna take a lot more than the manna from heaven
to get us through this next phase alive.


Oh, I've put my hands deep inside the hornet's nest
and pulled them out unstung.
You might say it's the luck of a constant beginner
or a debt for the songs I've already sung.


© 1985 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
Oyster Albums logo Oyster Albums, P.O. Box 3929, Berkeley, CA 949703


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