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The Songs


Note: This is now a double songbook of 53 songs that combines all the music from the Gather Round Songbook and the original Music of Linda Hirschhorn Songbook.
  1. ’Ilu Finu
  2. Nigun
  3. Miriam's Slow Snake Dance
  4. Ruth and Naomi
  5. Ki Hém Khayéinu
  6. As a Lily
  7. Bechàl Dor Vàdor
  8. My Beloved
  9. ’Im ’Éin ’Ani Li
  10. Marbèh
  11. Chanukah / Solstice
  12. Ve‘al Hakol
  13. Yom Shabàton
  14. Qàrév Yom
  15. Ufàrsu Làrà‘év
  16. ’Al Tifros
  17. Let Justice Run Down
  18. Kiddush
  19. Blessing After the Meal
  20. ’Or Khàdàsh
  21. Mizmor Shir I
  22. Circle Chant
  23. Sim Shàlom
  24. ‘Al Shloshàh Devàrim
  25. Refàh Nà’ Làh
  26. Refàh Nà’ Làh II
  27. ’Éshèt Khayil
  28. Tnu Làh Mipri Yàdèhà
  29. Shifchi Kamayim Libéch
  30. Sham‘àh Vatismakh Tsiyon
  31. ‘Àzi Vezimerat Yàh
  32. Blessing Before the Meal
  33. Yismekhu Hashàmayim
  34. Hallowing Our Namings
  35. Stepping Lightly
  36. The Berry Song
  37. Wings Span
  38. I Have a Million Nightingales
  39. Not By Might But With Love
  40. If Not Now
  41. If You Can Walk
  42. Roots and Wings
  43. ’Éli ’Éli
  44. Ve’érastich Li
  45. Libavtini
  46. Hashmi‘ini
  47. Haréh ’At
  48. Mizmor Shir II
  49. R’osh Khodèsh Candlelighting
  50. Blessing for Children
  51. Nitsanéi Shàlom
  52. Zog Maran
  53. Mayn Rue-Platz

    ’Ilu Finu

    Mayn Rue Platz previous
    Nigun next
  1. ’Ilu Finu
    Text: Liturgy; English translation © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    אִֽילוּ פִֽינוּ מָלֵא שִׁירָה כַּיָם

    ’Ilu finu màlé’ shiràh kayàm.

    Let us have songs to fill our mouths as full as the sea.

  2. Nigun

    ’Ilu Finu previous
    Miriam's Slow Snake Dance next
  3. Nigun
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

  4. Miriam's Slow Snake Dance

    Nigun previous
    Ruth and Naomi next
  5. Miriam's Slow Snake Dance
    Text, Music: © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    Lai dai-dai dai, lai dai-dai.
    Lai dai-dai dai, lai dai-dai-dai.
    Lai dai-dai-dai dai-dai-dai dai-dai-dai.
    Lai dai-dai-dai, lai dai-dai-dai.

    מִרְיָם, מִרְיָם
    בִּמְהֵרָה, בִּמְהֵרָה
    נָא לַמדִֽינוּ, נָא לַמדִֽינוּ
    רִקוּדַֽיִך, רִקוּדַֽיִך

    Miryàm, Miryàm,
    bimhéràh, bimhéràh,
    nà’ lamdinu, nà’ lamdinu,
    riqudayich, riqudayich.

    [Miriam, come quickly! Please teach us your dances!]

    Dancing the songs of freedom
    by the riverside,
    oh, you were dancing the songs of freedom
    by the riverside.

    Singing the dance of freedom.....
    by the riverside,
    oh, you were singing the dance of freedom
    by the riverside.

  6. Ruth and Naomi

    Miriam's Slow Snake Dance previous
    Ki Hém Khayéinu next
  7. Ruth and Naomi
    Text, Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    We'll return with you unto your land,
    return unto your land.
    Go back, go back, my daughters,
    I feel the wrath of God's hand.

    Shovnàh, shovnàh, bnotài,
    yàts’àh vi yad-Hashém.

    Ruth then said to Naomi
    “Keep me not from your side.
    Whither thou goest, I will go.
    Your land and God shall be mine.
    I will go, I will go, I'll sleep with you.
    ’Éléch, ’éléch ve’àlin. And I will sleep.”

    A stranger is only as strange
    as the distance we keep from our hearts.
    It's not ours to complete the task,
    only ours to start.

    “Do not keep me from your side,
    I'll follow you.
    Whither thou goest, I will go.
    I'll sleep with you.
    I will go, I will go, I'll sleep with you.
    ’Éléch, ’éléch ve’àlin. And I will sleep. Ve’àlin.

  8. Ki Hém Khayéinu

    Ruth and Naomi previous
    As a Lily next
  9. Ki Hém Khayéinu
    Text: Liturgy
    Music: Linda Hirschhorn © 1989

    כִּי הֵם חַיֵֽינוּ
    וְאֹרֶךְ יָמֵינוּ
    וּבָהֶם נֶהֱגֶה
    יוֹמָם וַלָֽיְלָה

    Ki hém khayéinu,
    ve’orèch yàméinu,
    uvàhèm nèhgèh
    yomàm valàilàh.

    [For they are our lives
    and the length of our days.
    And upon them will we ponder
    day and night.]

  10. As a Lily

    Ki Hém Khayéinu previous
    Bechàl Dor Vàdor next
  11. As a Lily
    Words from The Song of Songs
    Music © 1980 by Linda Hirschhorn

    As a lily among the thorns
    so is my love among the daughters;
    As an apple tree among the trees of the wood
    so is my love among the sons.
    Behold thou dost shine, my love,
    thine eyes are as doves behind the veil.

    כְּשׁוֹשַׁנָה בֵּין הַחוֹחִים
    כֵּן רַעְיָתִי בֵּין הַבָּנוֹת
    כְּתָפּוּחַ בְּעַצֵי הַיַעַר
    כֵּן דוֹדִי בֵּין הַבָּנִים
    הִנָךְ יָפָה רַעְיָתִי
    עֵינַיִךְ יוֹנִים מִבַּעַד לְצַמָתֵךְ

    Kshoshanàh béin hakhokhim
    kén ra‘yàti béin habànot;
    ketapuakh be‘atséi haya‘ar
    kén dodi béin habànim.
    Hinàch yàfàh ra‘yàti,
    ‘éinayich yonim miba‘ad letsamàtéch.

  12. Bechàl Dor Vàdor

    As a Lily previous
    My Beloved next
  13. Bechàl Dor Vàdor
    Text: Adapted from Passover Liturgy
    Music: Linda Hirschhorn © 1989

    בְּכָל דוֹר וָדוֹר
    חַיָבִים לִרְאוֹת אֶת עַצְמֶֽנוּ
    כְּאִֽלוּ כֻּלָֽנוּ יָצְאָֽנוּ

    Bechàl dor vàdor
    khayàvim lir’ot ’èt ‘atsménu.
    ke’ilu kulànu yàtsà’nu

    In every generation
    we must each feel we are going
    from slavery to freedom;
    from slavery to freedom.

  14. My Beloved

    Bechàl Dor Vàdor previous
    ’Im ’Éin ’Ani Li next
  15. My Beloved
    Words adapted freely from The Song of Songs
    Music © 1980 by Linda Hirschhorn
    My beloved spoke
    and said unto me:
    "Rise up , my love, my fair one,
    and come, come away,
    come, come away!"

    I sleep, but my heart lies awake;
    a whispering voice does say:
    "Arise, my love, my fair one,
    and come, come away!
    Come, come away!"

    I am my beloved's,
    my beloved is mine,
    until the day breaks
    and shadows fall away.
    Come, come, come,
    come, come away!

    I call to thee in the streets.
    I call to thee in the fields.
    Arise, my love, my fair one,
    and come, come away,
    come, come away!

    Spices blow in the wind
    down to our gardens below
    until the day breaks and shadows fall away.
    Come, come, come, come, come away!
    And the voice of love is heard in the land:
    Come, come, come,
    come, come away!

  16. ’Im ’Éin ’Ani Li

    My Beloved previous
    Marbèh next
  17. ’Im ’Éin ’Ani Li
    Text: Hillel
    Music: Linda Hirschhorn © 1989

    אִם אֵן אַנִי לִי מִי לִי
    וּכשְׁאַנִי לְעַצְמִי מָה אַנִי
    וְאִם לֹא עַכְשָׁיו אֵימָתַי

    ’Im ’éin ’ani li, mi li?
    Uchshe’ani le‘atsmi, màh ’ani?
    ve’im lo’ ‘achshàv, ’éimàtai?
    ’éi, ’éimatai?

    [If I am not for myself, then who will be?
    When I am only for myself, what am I?
    And if not now, then when?
    Then when?.]

  18. Marbèh

    ’Im ’Éin ’Ani Li previous
    Chanukah / Solstice next
  19. Marbèh
    Text: Hillel in Pirkei 'Avot
    Music: © Linda Hirschhorn

    מַרְבֶּה בָּשָׂר מַרְבֶּה רִימָה
    מַרְבֶּה נְכָסִים מַרְבֶּה דְאָגָה
    מַרְבֶּה תּוֹרָה מַרְבֶּה חַיִים
    מַרְבֶּה צְדָקָה מַרְבֶּה שָׁלוֹם
    מַרְבֶּה יְשִׁיבָה מַרְבֶּה חָכְמָה
    מַרְבֶּה עֵצָה מַרְבֶּה תּבוּנָה

    Marbèh bàsàr, marbèh rimàh.
    Marbèh nechàsim, marbèh de’àgàh.
    Marbèh Toràh, marbèh khayim.
    Marbèh tsedàqàh, marbèh shàlom.
    Marbèh yeshivàh, marbèh khàchmàh.
    Marbèh ‘etsàh, marbèh tvunàh.

    More meat, more worms.
    More money, more worry.
    More Torah, more life.
    More justice, more peace.
    More study, more wisdom.
    More counsel, more insight.

  20. Chanukah / Solstice

    Marbèh previous
    Ve‘al Hakol next
  21. Chanukah / Solstice
    Text, Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn
    Turning, turning, spirits yearning,
    reaching for the night.
    Colors going, shadows growing,
    darkening the light.

    Ancient stories told,
    renewed with the cold.
    Mystery of light
    burnt into the night.

  22. Ve‘al Hakol

    Chanukah / Solstice previous
    Yom Shabàton next
  23. Ve‘al Hakol
    Text: from Birkat Hamazon
    Music: Linda Hirschhorn © 1989

    וְעַל הַכֹּל מוֹדִים אַנַֽחְנוּ לָךְ
    עַל הָאָֽרֶצ הַטוֹבָה אֲשֶׁר נָתַן לָךְ
    וּמְפַרְנֵס אוֹתָנוּ
    בְּכָל יוֹם וּבְּכָל עֵת וּבְכָל שָׁעָה

    Ve‘al hakol modim ’anakhnu làch
    ‘al hà’àrèts hatovàh ’ashèr nàtan làch
    umefarnés ’otànu
    bechàl yom uvchàl ‘ét uvchàl shà‘àh.

    [And for everything we thank you,
    for the good earth you provided,
    nourishing us,
    every day, every moment, every hour.]

  24. Yom Shabàton

    Ve‘al Hakol previous
    Qàrév Yom next
  25. Yom Shabàton
    Text: Friday night zmirot
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    יוֹם שַׁבָּתֹן אֵין לִשׁכֹּחַ
    זִכְרוֹ כְּרֵיחַ הַנִחֹחַ
    יֹנָה מָצְאָה בוֹ מַנוֹחַ
    וְשָׁם יָנוּֽחוּ יְגִיעֵי כֹּחַ

    Yom shabàton ’éin lishkoakh.
    Zichro keréakh hanikhoakh.
    Yonàh màts’àh vo mànoakh
    veshàm yànukhu yegi‘éi koakh.

    [A day of Sabbath rest.
    As hard to forget as sweet scent.
    The dove finds comfort
    and there the weary rest.]

  26. Qàrév Yom

    Yom Shabàton previous
    Ufàrsu Làrà‘év next
  27. Qàrév Yom
    Text: Pirkei d-Rabbi Eliezer
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    קָרֵב יוֹם אַשֶׁר הוּא
    לֹא יוֹם וְלֹא לַיְלָה
    רׂם הוֹדַע כִּי לְךָ הַיוֹם אַפ לְךָ הַלַילָה

    Qàrév yom ’ashèr hu’
    lo’ yom velo’ lailàh.
    Héi ràm hodà‘
    Ki lechàh hayom ’af lechàh halailàh.

    [A day approaches which is
    neither day nor night.
    Most high, let it be known
    that yours is the day and yours is the night.]

  28. Ufàrsu Làrà‘év

    Qàrév Yom previous
    ’Al Tifros next
  29. Ufàrsu Làrà‘év
    Text: adapted from Isaiah 58
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn; based on High Holiday cantillation mode

    וּפָרְסוּ לָרָעֵב לַחְמְכֶם
    וְלַעֲנִיִים מְרוּדִים תָּבִאוּ בָּיִת
    וַאֲרוּכָה מְהֵרָה תצְמַח

    Ufàrsu làrà‘év lakhmechèm.
    Vela‘aniyim merudim tàvi’u bàyit,
    va’aruchàh mehéràh titsmakh.

    [Distribute to the hungry your bread.
    Bring the outcast poor to your home,
    and healing will quickly flourish.]

  30. ’Al Tifros

    Ufàrsu Làrà‘év previous
    Let Justice Run Down next
  31. ’Al Tifros
    Text: adapted from Hillel and Linda Hirschhorn and David Cooper
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    אַל תִּפְרוֹשׂ מִן הַצִבּוּר
    אַל תִּשְׁכַּח עָצְמַת הָעֵדָה
    אַל תִּרְחֵק מִן קְהַל הַקֹדֶשׁ

    ’Al tifros min hatsibur.
    ’Al tishkakh ‘àtsmat hà‘édàh.
    ’Al tarkhéq min qehal haqodésh.

    [Don't separate yourself from the community.
    Don't forget the power of the people. Don't distance yourself from the holy congregation.]

  32. Let Justice Run Down

    ’Al Tifros previous
    Kiddush next
  33. Let Justice Run Down
    Text: adapted from Shoftim and Amos
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    צֶֽדֶק, צֶֽדֶק תִּרְדְפוּ
    וְיִגְאַל כַּמַֽיִם
    מִשְׁפַּט וּצְדַקָה
    כְּןַחַל אֵיתָן

    Tsèdèq, tsèdèq tirdefu
    veyig’al kamayim.
    Mishpat utsedaqàh
    kenakhal ’éitàn.

    Let it roll like
    waters and righteousness:
    a mighty stream,

  34. Kiddush

    Let Justice Run Down previous
    Blessing After the Meal next
  35. Kiddush for New Holidays
    Text: Marcia Lee Falk
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    נְבָרֵך אֶת עֵין הַחַיִים
    מַצְמִיחַת פְּרִי הַגָּֽפֶן
    וְנִשְׁזוֹר אֶת סְרִגֵי חַיֵֽינוּ
    בְּמַסֹרֶת הָעָם

    Nevàréch ’èt ‘éin hakhayim
    matsmikhat peri hagàfen
    venishzor ’èt srigéi khayéinu
    bemasorèt hà‘àm.

    [Let us bless the source of life
    that ripens the fruit on the vine
    as we weave the branches of our lives
    into the tradition of our people.]

  36. Blessing After the Meal

    Kiddush previous
    ’Or Khàdàsh next
  37. Blessing After the Meal
    Words © 1988 by Marcia Lee Falk 1988 from The Book of Blessings: New Jewish Prayers for Daily Life, the Sabbath, and the New Moon Festival [Harper & Row, 1990 preprint edition] used with permission
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    נוֹדרה לְעֵין הַחַיִים עַל הָאָרֶץ וְעַל הַמָזוֹן
    נִשְׁמוֹר עַל הָאָרֶץ וְהִיא תְקַיימֵינוּ
    וּנְבַקֵשׁ מָזוֹן לַשֹׂבַע לְכָל יוֹשְׁבֵי תֵבֵל

    Nodèh le‘éin hakhayim ‘al hà’àrèts ve‘al hamàzon.
    Nishmor ‘al hà’àrèts vehi’ teqaiméinu.
    Unevaqésh màzon lasova‘ lechàl yoshvéi tévél.

    [Let us acknowledge the source of life for the earth and its nourishment.
    May we protect the earth that it may sustain us,
    and let us seek sustenance for all who inhabit the world.]

  38. ’Or Khàdàsh

    Blessing After the Meal previous
    Mizmor Shir I next
  39. ’Or Khàdàsh
    Text: Liturgy
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn

    אוֹר חָדָשׁ עַל צִיוֹן תָאִיר
    וְנִזְכֶּה כֻּלָֽנוּ מְהֵרָה לְאוֹרוֹ

    ’Or khàdàsh ‘al tsiyon tà’ir,
    venizkèh kulànu mehéràh le’oro.

    [A new light will shine on Zion;
    Soon may we be worthy of its light.]

  40. Mizmor Shir I

    ’Or Khàdàsh previous
    Circle Chant next
  41. Mizmor Shir
    Text: adapted from liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר לְשַׁבָּת
    בּוֹֽאִי כַּלָה בּוֹֽאִי מַלְכָּה

    Mizmor shir leshabàt.
    Bo’i kalàh, bo’i malkàh.

    [Sing a song for Shabbat.
    Come, O bride; come, O queen.]

  42. Circle Chant

    Mizmor Shir I previous
    Sim Shàlom next
  43. Circle Chant
    Text, Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn
    Circle round for freedom,
    circle round for peace.
    For all of us imprisoned,
    circle for release.

    Circle for the planet,
    circle for each soul.
    For the children of our children,
    keep the circle whole.

  44. Sim Shàlom

    Circle Chant previous
    ‘Al Shloshàh Devàrim next
  45. Sim Shàlom
    Text: Liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    שִׂים שָׁלוֹם טוֹבָה וּבְרָכָה. שִׂים שָׁלוֹם
    שִׂים שָׁלוֹם טוֹבָה וּבְרָכָה. שִׂים שָׁלוֹם
    שִׂים שָׁלוֹם. שִׂים שָׁלוֹם

    Sim shàlom tovàh uvràchàh. Sim shàlom.
    Sim shàlom tovàh uvràchàh. Sim shàlom.
    Sim shàlom. Sim shàlom.

    [Grant peace, welfare, and blessing.]

  46. ‘Al Shloshàh Devàrim

    Sim Shàlom previous
    Refàh Nà’ Làh next
  47. ‘Al Shloshàh Devàrim
    Text: Liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    עַל שְׁלוֹשָׁה דְבָרִים הָעוֹלָם, הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד
    עַל שְׁלוֹשָׁה דְבָרִים הָעוֹלָם, הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד
    עַל הַתּוֹרָה וְעַל הָעֲבוֹדָה וְעַל גְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד

    ‘Al shloshàh devàrim ha‘olàm, hà‘olàm ‘oméd.
    ‘Al shloshàh, shloshàh devàrim ha‘olàm ‘oméd:
    ‘Al hatoràh, ve‘al ha‘avodàh, ve‘al gemilut chasàdim ha‘olam ‘oméd.

    [The universe stands on three pillars:
    on the Torah, on worship, and on the practice of kindness.]

  48. Refàh Nà’ Làh

    ‘Al Shloshàh Devàrim previous
    Refàh Nà’ Làh II next
  49. Refàh Nà’ Làh
    Text: Liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    אָנָא אֵל נָא רְפָה נָא לָה

    ’Ànà’ ’Él nà’ refàh nà’ làh.

    [Please heal her.]

  50. Refàh Nà’ Làh II

    Refàh Nà’ Làh previous
    ’Éshèt Khayil next
  51. Refàh Nà’ Làh II
    Text: Liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    אָנָא אֵל נָא רְפָה נָא לָה

    ’Ànà’ ’Él nà’ refàh nà’ làh.

    [Please heal her.]

  52. ’Éshèt Khayil

    Refàh Nà’ Làh II previous
    Tnu Làh Mipri Yàdèhà next
  53. ’Éshèt Khayil
    Text: Proverbs 31:10
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn and Fran Avni

    אֶֽשֶׁת חַיִל מִי יִמְצָא

    ’Éshet khayil mi yimtsà’?

    [A woman of valor who can find?]

  54. Tnu Làh Mipri Yàdèhà

    ’Éshèt Khayil previous
    Shifchi Kamayim Libéch next
  55. Tnu Làh Mipri Yàdèhà
    Text: Proverbs 31:10
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn and Fran Avni

    תְּנוּ לָה מִפְּרִי יָדֶֽיהָ
    וִיהַלְלוּֽהָ מַעֲשֶֽׂיהָ

    Tnu làh mipri yàdèhà
    Vihaleluhà ma'asèhà.

    [Give to her the fruits of her hands
    and praise her works.]

  56. Shifchi Kamayim Libéch

    Tnu Làh Mipri Yàdèhà previous
    Sham‘àh Vatismakh Tsiyon next
  57. Shifchi Kamayim Libéch
    Text: Lamentations
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    שִׁפְכִי כַּמַֽיִם, כַּמַֽיִם לִבֵּךְ
    שִׁפְכִי כַּמַֽיִם, כַּמַֽיִם לִבֵּךְ

    Shifchi kamayim, kamayim libéch.
    Shifchi kamayim, kamayim libéch.

    And pour out, pour out, pour out your hearts like water.
    Pour out, pour out, pour out your hearts.
    And remember, remember, remember, remember.

  58. Sham‘àh Vatismakh Tsiyon

    Shifchi Kamayim Libéch previous
    ‘Àzi Vezimerat Yàh next
  59. Sham‘àh Vatismakh Tsiyon
    Text: Psalm 97:8
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    שָׁמְעָה וַתִּשׂמַח צִיוֹן
    וַתָגֵֽלְנָה בְּנוֹת יְהוּדָה

    Shàm‘àh vatismakh tsiyon
    Vatàgélnàh bnot Yehudàh.

    [Zion heard and was glad,
    and the daughters of Judah rejoiced.]

  60. ‘Àzi Vezimerat Yàh

    Sham‘àh Vatismakh Tsiyon previous
    Blessing Before the Meal next
  61. ‘Àzi Vezimerat Yàh
    Text: Liturgy
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    עָזִי וְזִמְרַת יָהּ
    וַיְהִי לִי לִישׁוּעָה
    וּשְׁאַֽבְתֶּם מַֽיִם בְּשָׂשׂוֹן
    מִמַעְיְנֵי הַיְשׁוּעָה

    ‘Àzi vezimerat yàh
    vayehi li lishu‘àh.
    Ushe’avtem mayim besàson
    mima‘ynéi hayeshu‘àh.

    [The eternal One is my might and my praise
    and was salvation for me.
    And you shall draw forth the waters in joy
    from the springs of salvation.]

  62. Blessing Before the Meal

    ‘Àzi Vezimerat Yàh previous
    Yismekhu Hashàmayim next
  63. Blessing Before the Meal
    Text: Marcia Lee Falk
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    נְבָרֵךְ, נְבָרֵךְ, נְבָרֵךְ אֶת עֵין הַחַיִים
    נְבָרֵךְ, נְבָרֵךְ, נְבָרֵךְ אֶת עֵין הַחַיִים
    הַמוֹצִאָה לֶֽחֶם מִן הָאָֽרֶץ
    הַמוֹצִאָה לֶֽחֶם מִן הָאָֽרֶץ

    Nevaréch, nevaréch, nevaréch 'et 'éin hakhayim
    Nevaréch, nevaréch, nevaréch 'et 'éin hakhayim
    hamotsi’àh lèkhèm min hà’àrets, min hà’àrets.
    hamotsi’àh lèkhèm min hà’àrets, min hà’àrets.

    [Let us bless the source of life
    which brings forth bread from the earth.

  64. Yismekhu Hashàmayim

    Blessing Before the Meal previous
    Hallowing Our Namings next
  65. Yismekhu Hashàmayim
    Text: Liturgy
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    יִשְׂמְחוּ הַשָּׁמַֽיִם וְתָגֵל הָאָֽרֶץ
    יִשְׂמְחוּ הַשָּׁמַֽיִם וְתָגֵל הָאָֽרֶץ
    יִרְעַם הַיָם, יִרְעַם הַיָם, יִרְעַם וּמְלֹֽאוֹ

    Yismechu hashàmayim vetàgél hà’àrets.
    Yismechu hashàmayim vetàgél hà’àrets.
    Yir‘am hayàm, yir‘am hayàm, yir‘am umelo'o.

    [Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad.
    Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof.]

  66. Hallowing Our Namings

    Yismekhu Hashàmayim previous
    Stepping Lightly next
  67. Hallowing Our Namings
    Text: Marcia Lee Falk
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    נָשִׁיר לְנִשְׁמַת כָּל שֵׁם
    וּלְשֵׁם כָּל נְשָׁמָה
    נָשִׁיר לְנִשְׁמַת כָּל שֵׁם
    וְלִקְדֻשַׁת כָּל נְשָׁמָה

    Nàshir lenishmat kàl shém
    uleshém kàl neshàmàh.
    Nàshir lenishmat kàl shém
    veliqdushat kàl neshàmàh.

    Let us sing the soul in ev'ry name
    and the name of ev'ry soul.
    Let us sing the soul in ev'ry name,
    the sacred name of ev'ry soul.

  68. Stepping Lightly

    Hallowing Our Namings previous
    The Berry Song next
  69. Stepping Lightly
    Text & Music © by Linda Hirschhorn
    Stepping lightly, daily, nightly,
    stepping in and out of time.
    Stepping lightly, daily, nightly,
    in occasional rhythm or rhyme.
    It's a one-way trip from birth to death.
    So might as well step lightly,
    might as well step lightly,
    might as well step lightly.

  70. The Berry Song

    Stepping Lightly previous
    Wings Span next
  71. The Berry Song
    Text & music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn
    Berries ripen slowly on the vine;
    sunshine and water, over time.
    Early fruit is bitter,
    but don't wait for it to fall,
    or you may not get any at all.

    Sweet berry, sweet berry, sweet.

  72. Wings Span

    The Berry Song previous
    I Have a Million Nightingales next
  73. Wings Span
    Text & music © 1994 by Linda Hirschhorn
    My wings span as far as
    my mind soars, as high as
    my heart opens wide,
    and my dream flies
    way beyond wildwood,
    back to my childhood,
    when I first felt
    my wings span...

  74. I Have a Million Nightingales

    Wings Span previous
    Not By Might But With Love next
  75. I Have a Million Nightingales
    Text: adapted from Mahmoud Darwish
    Music © 1989 by Linda Hirschhorn
    I have a million nightingales
    on the branches of my heart,
    I have a million nightingales
    on the branches of my heart
    singing "Freedom, freedom, freedom!",
    singing "Freedom, freedom, freedom!"

  76. Not By Might But With Love

    I Have a Million Nightingales previous
    If Not Now next
  77. Not By Might But With Love
    Text: adapted from Zachariah 4:6
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    Not by might, not by power, but with love.

    Lai'sa bil harb, lai'sa bil kuwah, bal bil hub.

    לֹא בְחַיִל וְלֹא בכֹחַ כִּ עִם בְרוּחִי

    Lo’ vekhayil, velo’ vechoakh, ki ‘im berukhi.

  78. If Not Now

    Not By Might But With Love previous
    If You Can Walk next
  79. If Not Now
    Text: Hillel, in Pirkei 'Avot
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    If I am not for myself, who is for me?
    If only for myself, what am I?
    And if not now, and if not now, if not now, then when?

    אִם אֵין אֲנִי לִי מִי לִי
    וּכְשֶׁאֲנִי לְעַצֽמִי מָה אֲנִי
    אִם לֹא עָכְשָׁיו אֵימָתַי, אֵימָתַי

    ’Im ’éin ’ani li, mi li?
    Uchshè ’ani le‘atzmi, màh ’ani?
    ’Im lo’ ‘achshàv ’éimàtai, ’éimàtai?

  80. If You Can Walk

    If Not Now previous
    Roots and Wings next
  81. If You Can Walk
    Words adapted from Zimbabwe folk wisdom.
    Music © 1993 by Linda Hirschhorn
    If you can walk,
    then you can dance.
    If you can talk,
    then you can sing.

    Da-da-da-da-da da-da da-da-da da da da,
    da-da-da-da-da da-da da-da-da da.

    Don't have to walk,
    but you can dance.
    don't have to talk,
    but you can sing.

    Da-da-da-da-da da-da da-da-da da da da,
    da-da-da-da-da da-da da-da-da
    da da-da da-da-da
    da da-da da-da-da da.

  82. Roots and Wings

    If You Can Walk previous
    ’Éli ’Éli next
  83. Roots and Wings
    Text: expanded upon from a saying I heard
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn
    I can give you roots;
    I can give you wings;
    But only you can know when to fly.

  84. ’Éli ’Éli

    Roots and Wings previous
    Ve’érastich Li next
  85. ’Éli ’Éli
    Words by Hannah Senesh
    Music by David Zehavi
    Arranged by Linda Hirschhorn

    אֵלִי, אֵלִי
    שֶׁלֹא יִגָמֵר לְעוֹלָם
    הַחוֹל וְהַיָם
    רִשְׁרוּשׁ שֶׁל הַמַֽיִם
    בְּרַק הַשָּׁמַֽיִם
    תְּפִלַת הָאָדָם
    הַחוֹל וְהַיָם
    רִשְׁרוּשׁ שֶׁל הַמַֽיִם
    בְּרַק הַשָּׁמַֽיִם
    תְּפִלַת הָאָדָם

    ’Éli, ’Éli,
    shèlo’ yigamér le‘olàm
    hakhol vehayàm,
    rishrush shèl hamayim
    beraq hashàmayim,
    tfilat ha’àdàm;
    hakhol vehayàm,
    rishrush shèl hamayim
    beraq hashàmayim,
    tfilat ha’àdàm.

    Oh hear my words,
    that these things shall never end:
    the sand and the sea,
    the rush of the waters,
    the thundering heavens,
    the prayers of our heart;
    the sand and the sea,
    the rush of the waters,
    the thundering heavens,
    the prayers of our heart.

  86. Ve’érastich Li

    ’Éli ’Éli previous
    Libavtini next
  87. Ve’érastich Li
    Words adapted from Hosea 2:21-22
    Music © 1993 by Linda Hirschhorn

    וְאֵרַֽשְׂתִּיךְ לִי בְּצֶֽדֶק וּבְמִשְׁפָּט
    בְּחֶֽסֶד וּבְרַחֲמִים
    וְאֵרַֽשְׂתִּיךְ לִי בְּאֱמוּנָה
    לְעוֹלָם, לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

    Ve’érastich li betsèdèq uvemishpàt
    bekhèsèd uverakhamim.
    Ve’érastich li be’èmunàh
    le‘olàm, le‘olàm và‘èd.

    [I will betroth you with righteousness, justice,
    love, and compassion.
    I will betroth you with faithfulness
    forever and ever.]

  88. Libavtini

    Ve’érastich Li previous
    Hashmi‘ini next
  89. Libavtini
    Text: Song of Songs
    Music © by Linda Hirschhorn

    לִבַּבְתִיֽנִי אֲחוֹתִי כַלָה
    לִבַּבְתִיֽנִי בְּאַחַת מֵעֵינַֽיִךְ
    לִבַּבְתִיֽנִי אֲחוֹתִי כַלָה
    מַה יָפוּ דוֹדַֽיִךְ גַן נָעוּל
    אחוֹתִי כַלָה
    גַן נָעוּל מַעֲיָן חָתוּם
    פַּרְדֵס רִמוֹנִים עִם פְּרִי םְגָדִים
    מַה יָפוּ דוֹדַֽיִךְ מַעֲיָן גַנִים
    בְּאֵר מַֽיִם חַיִם מַעֲיָן גַנִים

    Libavtini akhoti kalàh
    Libavtini be’akhat mé‘éinayich
    Libavtini akhoti kalàh
    Mah yàfu dodayich gan nà‘ul
    Akhoti kalàh
    Gan nà‘ul ma‘ayàn khàtum
    Pardés rimonim ‘im pri megàdim
    Mah yàfu dodayich ma‘yàn ganim
    Be’ér mayim khayim ma‘ayàn ganim

    [You awaken my heart, my sister, my bride. How beautiful is your love. You are a garden, a still pool, a sheltered fountain, a pomegranate orchard filled with fine fruit.]

  90. Hashmi‘ini

    Libavtini previous
    Haréh ’At next
  91. Hashmi‘ini
    Text: Shir HaShirim, "Song Of Songs"
    Music © 1992 by Linda Hirschhorn

    הַשְׁמִיעִֽנִי אֶת קוֹלֵךְ
    כִּי קוֹלֵךְ עָרֵב
    וּמַרְאֵיךְ נָאוֶה

    Hashmi‘ini ’èt qoléch,
    ki qoléch ‘àrév
    umar’éch nà’vèh.

    [Let me hear your voice
    because it is so pleasing
    and your looks are so lovely.]

  92. Haréh ’At

    Hashmi‘ini previous
    Mizmor Shir II next
  93. Haréh ’At
    Text: Wedding Vows
    Music © 1992 by Linda Hirschhorn

    הַרֵי אַת מְקֻדֶֽשֶׁת לִי
    הַרֵי אַת

    Haréh ’at mequdèshèt li.
    Haréh ’at.

    [Behold, you are made holy to me.]

  94. Mizmor Shir II

    Haréh ’At previous
    R’osh Khodèsh Candlelighting next
  95. Mizmor Shir
    Text: adapted from liturgy
    Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn

    מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר לְשַׁבָּת
    בּוֹֽאִי מַלְכָּה בּוֹֽאִי כָּלָה

    Mizmor shir leshabàt.
    Bo’i malkàh, bo’i kalàh.

    [Sing a song for Shabbat.
    Come, O bride; come, O queen.]

  96. R’osh Khodèsh Candlelighting

    Mizmor Shir II previous
    Blessing for Children next
  97. R’osh Khodèsh Candlelighting
    Text © by Marcia Lee Falk
    Music © 1992 by Linda Hirschhorn

    אוֹר חָדָשׁ מָאוֹר קַדְוֹן
    תִּנָשֵׂא נַפְשִׁי אֵילֶךְ
    בִּשְׁמֵי חֹֽדֶשׁ תַמֻז

    ’Or khàdàsh mà’or qadmon
    Tinàsé’ nafshi ’éilèch
    Bishméi khodèsh (Tamuz).

    [New moon, ancient light -
    May spirit rise to you In (Tamuz's) sky.]

  98. Blessing for Children

    R’osh Khodèsh Candlelighting previous
    Nitsanéi Shàlom next
  99. Blessing for Children - 2:02
    Text, Music: © by Linda Hirschhorn
    Vocals: Linda Hirschhorn, Ellen Robinson, Abbe Lyons

    May you be like the watered garden.
    May you be like a flowing stream.
    May you keep the moment of wakening
    from the heart of a perfect dream.

    May the warmth of the earth surround you.
    May the passion of wonder fill your days.
    May the strength of your friendships sustain you,
    And your children be blessed always.

  100. Nitsanéi Shàlom

    Blessing for Children previous
    Zog Maran next
  101. Nitsanéi Shàlom
    Text & Music: I. A. Navon
    Arrangement by Linda Hirschhorn

    יִצְמַח שָׁלוֹם רַב מֵאַרְצִי
    נְוֵה שָׁלוֹם עִיר חֶמְדָתִי
    חֹק וּמִשְׁפָּט יִבְנוּ פִּרְץִי
    יוֹדוּ כָּל עַמִים חֵן דָתִי

    אַל יִשָׂא גוֹי אֶל גוֹי יָדוֹ
    לָטוֹב וְלָדַעַת יִתְחֲרוּ
    יֶהֶגוּ אֱמֶת וְיַגִיֽדוּ
    צִדְקַת עַמִי חִשׁ יַכִּיֽרוּ

    Yitsmakh shàlom rav mé’artsi
    Nevéh shàlom ‘ir khèmdàti
    Khoq umishpàt yivnu pirtsi
    Yodu kàl ‘àmim khén dàti.

    ’Al yisà’ goi ’èl goi yàdo
    Làtov velàda‘at yitkharu
    Yèhègu ’èmèt veyagidu
    Tsidqat ‘ami khish yakiru.

    [May abundant peace blossom from my land,
    Perfect oasis, city of my delight.
    Law and justice will repair the breach.
    All nations will perceive the beauty of my faith.

    Let no nation raise its hand against another.
    Let them compete for goodness and knowledge.
    Let them utter the truth
    And quickly recognize the righteousness of my people.]

  102. Zog Maran

    Nitsanéi Shàlom previous
    Mayn Rue Platz next
  103. Zog Maran
    By Abraham Reisen
    Arranged by Linda Hirschhorn
    Zog maran mir vu bay vemen
    Vestu vayseh matzos nemen
    In der heyl oyf got's barotn
    Hobn mir dem teyg kenotn.

    Zog maran vi vest zikh klign
    A hagode vu tzu krign
    In der heyl, in tife shpaltn
    Hob ikh zi shoyn lang bahaltn.

    Zog maran, vi vest zikh vern
    Ven men vet dayn kol derhern
    Ven der soyne vet mikh fangen
    Vel ikh kenfn mit gesangen.

  104. Mayn Rue Platz

    Zog Maran previous
    ’Ilu Finu next
  105. Mayn Rue Platz (My Resting Place)
    Words by the Yiddish poet Morris Rosenfeld based on his actual experiences bent over machines in sweatshops and as a union delegate.
    Arranged by Linda Hirschhorn
    Nit zukh mikh, vu die mirten grinen,
    Gefinst mikh dortn nit, mayn shats.
    Vu lebns velkn bay mashinen,
    Dortn iz mayn rue plats.

    Nit zukh mikh, vu die feygl zingn,
    Gefinst mikh dortn nit, mayn shats.
    A shklaf bin ikh, vu keytn klingn,
    Dortn iz mayn rue plats.

    Nit zukh mikh, vu fontanen shpritsn,
    Gefinst mikh dortn nit, may shats.
    Vu trern rinen, tseyner kritsn,
    Dortn iz mayn rue plats.

    Un libst du mikh mit varer libe,
    To kum tsu mir, mayn guter shats.
    Un hayter oyf mayn harts, dos tribe,
    Un makh mir zis mayn rue plats.

    [Don't look for me where myrtles are green,
    You will not find me there, my beloved.
    Where lives wither at the machines,
    There is my resting place.

    Don't look for me where birds sing,
    You will not find me there, my beloved.
    I am a slave, where chains ring;
    There is my resting place.

    Don't look for me where fountains spray,
    You will not find me there, my beloved.
    Where tears flow and teeth gnash,
    There is my resting place.

    And if you love me with true love,
    So come to me, my good beloved,
    And lighten up my heavy heart,
    And make sweet my resting place.]

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