Linda Hirschhorn
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Behold! CD
5. Blessed is the Flame - 2:21

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Melody by Linda Hirschhorn © 1992

Lyrics adapted from Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb written for Project Kesher - an organization that links former Soviet Union Jewish women with Jewish women around the world.

Arranged by Vocolot

Opening Solo: Judith-Kate Friedman

Blessed is the flame
kindled by a woman's hand.
As we celebrate, we dedicate
freedom's fire in our soul.
As we celebrate, we dedicate
freedom's fire in our soul.

Freedom's fire, freedom's fire, freedom's fire, in our soul.
Freedom's fire, freedom's fire, freedom's fire, in our soul.
Freedom is a fire, freedom is a fire, freedom is a fire, it's a fire in our soul.
Blessed is the flame.

© 1992 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
Oyster Albums logo Oyster Albums, P.O. Box 3929, Berkeley, CA 949703
ISRC: US-CGH-05-75101


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